The physical part of computer that we can touch and see is known as hardware
Software is any set of machine readable instruction that direct a computer processer to perform spefic operationInternal component of pc
Micro processor
RAM Memory
Storage device
Micro processor
The central processing unit CPU is termed as the brain of the computer it processor the input data and gives the desired output it is multiple programmable device
The motherboard is the most important component of a system it explains the main circuit board of a pc . it contains the interfaces for the microprocessor BIOS memory and storage device it is a PCB (oriented circuit board) it is connect input /output device with the help of slot port socket and connectors
RAM stand for random access memory. it is a semiconductor based memory where the CPU or other hardware devices can write the data and read the same from it stores the data temporarily it is a volatile memory Once the system turn off it losses the data as result RAM is temporary data storage area
Power supply
It is a switch mode power supply it is convert AC to Multiple DC voltage
Storage device
HDD and SDD permanently memory and it also called non volatile memory It is store previous event permanently if turn off computer don’t ‘loss data
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