Computer component in deeply explain - Internet Technology


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Ashok Kumar Rajbhar
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Thursday, 15 October 2020

Computer component in deeply explain

What is Computer component

    Input device
    Output device
    Storage device
    Processing device
    Communication device

Input device

Input device is the computer unit that sends data and set of instruction to computer system Example keyboard mouse toystick trackball microphone


The data is processed and displayed in the appropriate manner through the varipus output device Example Monitor, printer, speaker

Storage device

Storage devices store data in the computers

There are two type of store device

    Permanently Memory
    Temporary Memory
RAM, Catch Memory

Processing device

The main functionality of the computer is to process data the processing device of the computer is the processor commonly known as central processing unit (cpu). This device performs all the calculations processing and other arithmetic functions

The processor comprises of two units Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) and control unit(CU)

Arithmetic and logic unit

This unit execute computer operation example addition ,subtraction , multiplication ,division

Control Unit

All the units perform some different tasks such as memory stores the information and ALU perform all the arithmetic and logical operations Communications device Establish communication between computer using different cables interface and wireless device

Various types of communication device are

    I/O ports and Cables serial parallel usb
    Lan card


Refers to main component and foundation on which computer function All the peripheral device of the computer are attached

Various types of component are

    System case
    Power supply
    Expansion boards

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