What is Computer and type of computer Advantage and Disadvantage - Internet Technology


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Ashok Kumar Rajbhar
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Thursday, 15 October 2020

What is Computer and type of computer Advantage and Disadvantage

Computer introduction

Computer is an intergal part of everyday life , computer processes the data of according to the set of instructions and performs a specific task using its various applications such as word processing spreadsheet database graphics, and web browsers,

Definition of computer

Computer is an electronic device that received data processes the data according to the set of instruction stores data and gives the desired output

Type of computer

Computer have different types of capabilities and are of different sizes classification of computer is based on the usage speed and size of computer

There are four main types of computer

    Micro computer
    Mini computer
    Mainframe computer
    Super computer

Micro computer

It is also know as personal computer and it a digital computer designed for individual users they are widely used for entertainment purposes as well as for playing games listed to music and watching movies. Benefit small size low cost portable

Mini computer

It is a midsized multiprocessing and multi-user computer. Multiprocessing is the processes at a given time the minicomputer is an medium range computer . it is also know as the midrange server,


Cater to multiple users Lower costs than main frames


Large Bulky


It is known as enterprise servers mainframes were huge computer occupying entire rooms or floors they are also known an enterprise servers they are very large and expensive computer used for centralized computing serve distributed users and small servers in a computing network


Supports many user and instructions Large memory


Huge size] Expensive

Super computer

it is fastest and most expensive type of computers it specialize in high speed processing of data some of these application are molecular chemistry nuclear weather reports and advanced physics consists of serva l computer that works in parallel as single system




Generate a large amount of heat during operation.

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