An Application for lost my mobile phone - Internet Technology


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Ashok Kumar Rajbhar
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Monday, 12 October 2020

An Application for lost my mobile phone



                The police officer incharge

                Rasra,ballia , Uttarpradesh

Sub:- An Application for lost my mobile phone


                I beg to say that my name is Vikash kumar father’s name is Tribhuwan rajbhar. Lost my mobile phone while travelling between office and home I think someone theft it. It is a sumsung phone worth rupes  40100 the mobile IMIE number  is 8701000254685 I have done all for formalities . I request you to kindly register the FIR and give copy of this complaint so that I can get a new SIM From the service provider I shall be abliged

Thanking  You

Date 10/02/20                                                                                                   Your faithfully

                                                                                                                                Vikash rajbhar


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