An Application for issuing a new ATM card - Internet Technology


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Ashok Kumar Rajbhar
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Tuesday, 13 October 2020

An Application for issuing a new ATM card



                The banch Manager

                Punjab National Bank ,Rasra

Subject- An Application for issuing a new ATM card


                Repect fully I beg to say that I have open an Saving Account in your Concerned bank in 2018 I did,nt apply for the ATM  at that time. I have used to withdraw many and other transcation through the bank only . I find it very difficult to withdraw many these days as I have , I want to use ATM card for debiting many from my account , Hence I want to apply for new ATM card and kindly request you to issue me a new ATM ard as soon as possible . I have furnished my account details below

Thank you                                                                                                                                           Rahul kumar

                                                                                                                                                                Ac no 7891000789123

                                                                                                                                                                Mobile no 123456789  

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