What is odd and different type odd with troubleshooting - Internet Technology


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Ashok Kumar Rajbhar
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Saturday, 24 October 2020

What is odd and different type odd with troubleshooting

Optical disk drives (ODD)

It’s a read and writes data to an optical disks and its technology is based on light or store the data in optical form

Different optical disk drives are:

CD drive DVD drive Blue ray drive

CD (Compact disc)

it is store the data optical form and minimum store data like that music , video application games and its capacity 700mb

CD drives

A CD drive is used to read or write data for or to a CD

Different types of CD drives

    CD ROM drive- CD ROM drive read data from a CD
    CD-R Drive – CD-R Drive can read data and can write data
    CD-RW Drive – CD-RW Drive can read Write and also rewrite

Digital Versatile \ Video disc (DVD)

It is store data in digital form and higher storage disk than CD or storage data like that Video, music, application, etc. 4.7GB capacity

DVD drives

DVD drives can read different types of DVD

Different type of DVD drives

    DVD ROM Drive- Only for read data
    DVD-R Drive- It can read and can write data
    DVD RW Drive- it is also read and writes data

Blue ray drives

Blue ray also know as blue ray disc. It is next generation optical disk format or maximum storage 25GB. Transfer data in range 36MBps

Blu-ray players

Blu-ray players are used to play blu-ray disc.or blu ray drive 1*45mb/s latest 12x speed.


Internal-IDE or SATA


Power connector 4pin molex and available in SMPS. Data 40 pin IDE cable one to another device connect with the help jumper setting


Power connector has 15 pin available in SMPS and 7 pin SATA connector maximum 1 meter

Connecting on optical disk drive to pc

Make the jumper setting in case if it is an IDE Drive and optical connect the interface cable to the drive as well as connect to an motherboard

Jumper setting

The jumper connections have various options
    MA-Stands for master it connects the DVD Drive. DVD Drive is the only one connected to the cable
    SL-Stand for slave connected DVD Drive as a slave device
    CS-Stand for cable select. This ensures that the optical disk drive is set with the status of master or slave depending cable connector

Detecting optical disk drive through BIOS

After the optical disk drive is physically connected to the system, now you must see the CMOS setting in the system to check whether it has been detected

Troubleshooting the DVD Drive

ODD not able to read the disk

  1. The disk is inserted in the drive is not playing
  2. Check the disk for scratches in the surface
  3. Play another disc in the drive
  4. Check if the drive light glow when you insert the disc in the drive and clean drive with cleaning disk
  5. Access the BIOS to check that the BIOS recognizing drive
  6. Check if the interface and power cables of the DVD drive

BIOS cannot detect drive

  1. Restore the BIOS setting to factory default setting and then check if the drive is detected in BIOS
  2. Check if the interface cable connector on the motherboard
  3. Check from BIOS whether the optical disk drive detected or not
  4. Power LED is not glowing in the DVD Drive

    1. Connect a different power supply to the drive
    2. If he drive does not start working even after the power supply connection is replaced then check the LED
    3. Replace the drive
    4. The tray of the DVD Drive is not opening

      1. Restart the computer. Then try to open the tray |
      2. If the tray does not open not open after restarting , check the BIOS Setting to see to see if the computer recognizes the drive
      3. Shutdown and unplug the computer. Use paperclips to insert in the pinhole on the front if DVD drive

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