What is keyboard and type of keyboard - Internet Technology


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Ashok Kumar Rajbhar
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Saturday, 24 October 2020

What is keyboard and type of keyboard


Keyboard is a primary input device of PC keyboard has alphabet keys A o Z or a to z and numeric 0-9 and special character keys

Identifying of keyboard

    Number of keys

Number of keys

    101 key enhance keyboard in 1986 by IBM today manufacture keyboard layout in 101 key
    102 key enhanced keyboard one extra key added it name language key it a non English keyboard
    104 key enhanced keyboard and two extra key added first window key and second right click key introduced by Microsoft

Multimedia keyboard

    In this type of keyboard are available additional functions like Gmail volume multimedia, player, search key



Wired keyboard

    PS/2 the connection of system and keyboard to the PS/2 connector it has 6pin and purple color
    USB keyboard is connected to the USB poet on the back of pc and it a Send data fast

Wireless keyboard

    Cordless keyboard is latest and advantage it’s based upon infrared technology. run batteries and catch capacity range 6 feet
    Bluetooth keyboard is a Bluetooth technology and it a short range wireless technology and connectivity with help of micro receiver to a USB

Troubleshooting the keyboard

Computer display keyboard error

    Check the keyboard is connected properly to the computer
    Check connected pin is bent and check key stuck
    Last check another PC to Connected

Stuck keys on keyboard

If the key stuck then key remove in keyboard then help of hand blower cleaning

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