what is hard disk and type of hard disk - Internet Technology


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Ashok Kumar Rajbhar
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Friday, 23 October 2020

what is hard disk and type of hard disk

Hard disk drives

A hard disk is secondary and permanent data storage device and it is main work store data and it store the data in magnetic form

Types of hard disks

    Two type of hard disk drives
    IDE/PATA drives
    Serial ATA (SATA) drives
Hard disks are of two types depending upon how it is connected to the system.
    Internal hard disk drives
    External hard disk drives

Internal hard disk drives

It is connected inside the system using IDE/SATA connectors available on motherboard

Integrated drive Electronic (IDE)

IDE interface specifies that the hard disk controller is built on motherboard and it is known as PATA (Parallel Advance technology Attachment)

SATA (Serial ATA) hard disk drives

SATA users serial communication i,e transfer data 1 bit at a time with the speed up to 600MB per second and smaller 7 wire cable to connected the system

External hard disk drive

It is portable storage device the most commonly used cables are USB, eSATA and Fire ware

Connecting hard disk to pc

Make the jumper setting and connect the interface cable to the drive as well as to the connector on motherboard .or check from BIOS whether the hard drive is detected or not

Jumper setting

Jumper setting can be done in case of both IDE and SATA hard disk drives. But IDE mandatory step and SATA is an optional step

IDE Jumper Setting

Jumper setting you can set the hard disk to master (MA) Slave (SL) or Cable Select (CS)

SATA Jumper setting

Function of jumper block on SATA drives is different SATA drives

Connecting the Cables

It can attach the power cable and the data cable to the hard disk

Detecting hard disk through BIOS

After the hard disk is physically connected to the system, now you must check the BIOs Setting in the system to detect the hard disk


System cannot detect hard disk

    1. Restore the BIOS setting to factory default setting.
    2.Check if the interface cable connecting the hard disk to the motherboard is connect properly
    3. Set proper jumper setting if multiple hard disk are present
    4. Install the hard disk on a different system to check if it is working

A sound coming from hard disk drive

    1. Check whether the hard disk is mounted properly into the case. Tighten the screws to hold the hard disk to the bay
    2. Remove all the connectors from HDD and reconnect them properly
    3. If hard disk is new and making a noise then replaces the hard disk.

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