What is electronic component explain - Internet Technology


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Friday, 16 October 2020

What is electronic component explain

Electronic component

Electronic component configure on the PCB for this purpose we use smd technology

There are two type of elelctronic component

    Active component
    Passive component

Active component

Active component allows produced power and enery from their work these type of component can also amplify signals. These type of component never store energy

Passive component

A passive component never produces power or enery from their work these type of component do mot ampligy signal and these type of component store enery. Example resister ,capacitor, inductor, diode

Surface mount devices(SMD)

Surface mount technique is used yo place the various active passive and electronic mechanical component directly on the printed circuit board (PCB)


Resistors is an electronic component that resist the current by producing voltage is know as resistance It is denited by (R) and unit ohm

There are two tyoes of resistor

    Fixed resistor
    Variable resistor

Fixed resistor

The resistor that come with two wires are fixed resistor . these kind of resistor do not allow you to change the resistance

Variable resistor

These type of resistor allow you to change the resistance using knob

Other types of resistor

Carbon film resistor (CFR)

Carbon film resistor is the most popular resistor. In this resistor a spiral grove cut ceramic cylinder. These resistor are protected with point or plastic. It is use for low power application radio audio amplifier and TV receiving

Carbon composition resistor(CCR)

These resistor are use in medical main equipment stable lighting building and automobiles.

Metal oxide film resistor(MOFR)

Metal oxide film resistor in metal oxide resistor a ceramic core is coated with a metal oxide film a special point is applied on the outer surface to make it resistant from flames solvents heat and humidity

These types of resistor can be used for high temperature operation


Thermistor is a heat sensitive resistor its resistance change switch the change in temperature


Capacitor is device that store electrical energy . it is passive component it denoted (c) and unit (farad)


It is measured amount of charge that a capacitor can store for a given applied voltage

Type of capacitor

There are widdly used type of capacitor

    Ceramic capacitors
    Electrolytic capacitors

Ceramic capacitors

This type of capacitors typically range in values from are few pico farad . ceromic capacitors is a fixed values capacitors in which ceromic material act as a the dielectric . it is unit pico farad Electrolytic capacitors: these capacitors are the most popular type of capacitors used for values greater than 1 microfarad. It is unit microfarad


Inductance is the ability of a device to oppose a change in the current flow and inductor is a device which has a specific value of inductance. It is denoted by “L “ and unit henary

There are two type of inductor

    Surface mount inductor
    Toroidal type inductor (Ring shaped care)

Surface mount inductor

These inductors are very small in size and can fit into a small area

Toraid type inductor

These inductor perform better than any other inductor


Diode is an electronic device which allow current to flow only in one derection diode are formed by joining the N-type and P-type semiconductors

There are three type of diode

    PN Junction diode
    Zener Diode
    Light emitting diode

PN junction diode

These are standard type of diode they are formed by combining a P-type and an N-type semiconductors main work convert AC to DC

Zener diode

Zener diode conductor in the farward direction and posses the same voltage as ordinary diode

Light emitting diode

These diodes are different from other diode as they emit light and hence referred as light emitting diodes they are used to indicate whether the circuit is closed or open


A transistor is active component transistor is the three termind electronic device which amplifer an input signal. Transistor amplifer to the two P-N junctions diode connected bank to back

NPN Transistors

In NPN transisitor the middle layer ie P-Type material is sandwiched between two outer two layer I,e two N-type material Hence these transistors are known as NPN transistors

PNP transisitors

In PNP transistors the base is formed by N-type material and the outer two layer I,e emitter and collector are made up of P-type materials Hence these transistors are known as PNP transistors

Type of transistors

    Bipolar junction transistor(BJI)
    Field effect transistor (FET)
    Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET)

Bipolar junction transistors

A bipolar junction transistor is a three layer sandwich of doped semiconductor .materials

C=Collector B=Base E=Emitter

Field eddect transistors(FET)

A field effect transistor has two layer of semiconductor material these semiconductor are arrange one above the other .in this arrangement the current flow through one of the layer

Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor(MOSEFET)

In this transisitor with of the channel along which the eletrons or holes flow varies electro technology

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