What is electricity and current voltage - Internet Technology


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Thursday, 15 October 2020

What is electricity and current voltage


Electricity is form of energy with flow electron and proton which result in the flow of electric charge depend on the electric current


The flow of electric charge is called current . it is represented by (I) and unit ammeter.


The potential difference between to point is called voltage , it is represent (V) u=it unit volt.

Measurements of voltage

Voltage is measured by volt Metter and its allow connecting in parallel of any circuit

Bohr’s model

It is describe an atom has a change where electron remove around a circular in a orbits

Alternative current (AC)

It is alternative current electric charge that periodically switches the direction back and forth is know as alternating current. And it is use in household application like motor ,TV, Fan, Etc AC Inventor Nikola tesla

Direct Current (DC)

It is direct current and its woek smoothly onky ine direction all flow it is use solor cell and battery DC inventor Thomas edison

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