What Is Network Topology And Type Of Topology - Internet Technology


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Sunday, 15 November 2020

What Is Network Topology And Type Of Topology


    Network topology provides different configurations that are used to create a network. While connecting computers and other networking devices together to form a network, the user needs to consider the structure, layout and the cabling requirements. A network can be created by using point-to-point connection or multipoint connection. In a pointto-point connection, only two devices are connected to each other. The user can use a point-to-point connection to transfer data from local network to a remote network through a dedicated line. Examples of point-to-point connection are microwave, satellite and television network. In multipoint connection, many devices share the connection and are called as multi-point connection.
    Topology is a pattern of network devices and describes the way in which these devices are connected. Topologies can be physical or logical. Physical topology refers to the actual physical structure of the network, while a logical topology determines the way in which the data actually passes through the network from one device to other.
Different types of topologies are:
  • Bus
  • Star
  • Ring
  • Mesh
  • Tree
  • Hybrid
  • Note: Physical topologies are how the wires are interconnected, while logical topology is how the network behaves and interoperates

    Bus Topology

    In a bus topology, devices share a common backbone cable to send and receive data. A thick co-axial cable is used to connect all devices. Bus topology uses daisy chain scheme to add more devices in a network. In the daisy chain scheme, device 1 is connected to device 2; device 2 is connected to device 3. The first and last devices are connected to terminator (50 ohm resistor).

    Star Topology

    In star topology, multiple devices are connected to a central connection point kno... as hub or switch. Devices are attached to the switch by using either copper cables fiber optic cables. Star networks provide a cost-effective method for sharing informatie a between different users. Star topology can be used in airline reservation counters a small business offices where employees want an access to common applications and files.

    Ring Topology

    In ring topology, each device is connected to adjacent devices forming a circle. Data flows in only one direction, clockwise or anti-clockwise. Each device in the ring topology acts as a repeater. It amplifies the signal and transmits it to the next device.

    Mesh Topology

    In Mesh topology, each device is connected to every other device. A device can send data to all the devices in the network. Data sent by the device can take any possible paths to reach the destination.

    Tree Topology

    A tree topology combines the characteristics of linear bus and star topology. In Tree topology, group of star networks are connected to the linear bus backbone. Tree topology enables the user to expand and configure the existing network depending on the requirements. Twisted pair cable is commonly used by tree topology. Tree topology is also called as hierarchical structure.

    Hybrid Topology

    Hybrid topology is a combination of different network topologies. It is also known as a Special Topology. This topology is useful for corporate offices to link their internal LANs together while adding external networks through Wide Area Networks (WANs).

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